Radeon 9700 e Qualità di Immagine

Aperto da Neo, 15 Settembre 2002, 23:15:35

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Sul sito HardOcp(http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=MzQ0) è comparso un articolo ben dettagliato che esegue una comparativa della qualità di immagine tra Radeon 9700, Radeon 8500 e Geforce 4Ti 4x00, con vari giochi 3D odierni, analizzando AntiAliasing, Anisotropic filtering e la saturazione dei colori.

Ecco qua alcuni assaggi dell'articolo:

'SMOOTHVISION 2.0 employs another new feature that addresses the multi-sample quality issue with alpha blended (i.e. transparent and translucent) textures. Existing multi-sample implementations can only assign one of two values to each sample – 1 (Foreground) or 0 (Background). Samples falling on alpha blended areas of a texture are always assigned a value of 1, and therefore these parts of the image don't get anti-aliased. SMOOTHVISION 2.0 has the unique ability to store any value between 0 and 1 for each sample, so it can store alpha values sampled at multiple locations within a pixel along with color values. The alpha values are then blended along with the color values, providing anti-aliasing within alpha blended textures as well as on polygon edges'

'Here you can see with the GeForce4's highest 8X anisotropic level it leaves it slightly more blurred at the farthest end of the floor. The Radeon 9700 Pro and Radeon 8500 at 16X anisotropic are very smooth. I really don't see much difference here in anisotropic quality between the Radeon 8500 and Radeon 9700 Pro, though. Do keep in mind though that the Radeon 9700 Pro is using Trilinear filtering with anisotropic while the Radeon 8500 is only using Bilinear. In game the difference is noticeable as you move if you look for it'

Se volete approfondire l'argomento, nella recensione della Radeon 9700 dell'esperto staff di Beyond3D(http://www.beyond3d.com/reviews/ati/radeon9700pro/index.php?page=page4.inc), c'è una parte dedicata alla qualità di imagine, e in particolare al nuovo algoritmo ATI Smoothvision 2.0.
Buona lettura.

Scritto Da - davide il 15 Settembre 2002alle ore  23:33:19